Saturday, October 31, 2009

Java goes Open Source

"At this point, it is not a question of whether, but it is a question of how" Sun will open-source Java, said the company's new executive vice president of software, Rich Green, at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco.
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Green called upon developers and members of the Java Community Process for feedback on the best way to open source Java. He didn't provide say when he expects open source Java to be available.

IBM said in the past, that makingthe Java source code public would attract more developers to the language because it guarantees Java's independent development.

Roger Kay, president of Endpoint Technologies Associates, said Sun "may have let some of the better opportunities slip away" by not nurturing Java in recent years as other easy-to-use programming languages popped up in the market.

In an attempt to open more markets that may help Sun Microsystems, Chief Executive Jonathan Schwartz, will announce today that the software code for more of Sun's Java programming tools and technologies will be available for free as well as a new version of Sun's Java platform and technology that enables it to work better with the competing .net framework from Sun's onetime bitter rival, Microsoft

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