Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Install Joomla on Godaddy Server | Joomla Xtreme - Joomla Templates - Joomla Forum

Joomla! Installation instructions on GoDaddy Servers
Installing Joomla! on a GoDaddy server is not only simple, it also works perfectly without any problems.
This installation instruction is based on a GoDaddy hosting plan and not applicable for any of the (Virtual) Dedicated servers.
Select GoDaddy Hosting Plan
You can select any of the hosting plans offered by GoDaddy. The hosting plan used for this installation is the cheapest available: Economy Plan for just $3.95 per month.
When you choose the hosting plan make sure you select Linux hosting with php .
If you want you can also purchase or transfer a domain name with your hosting plan if you don’t have one already. At the time of writing this document it is only $1.99 when purchased with a hosting plan.
If you already have a Windows Hosting account with GoDaddy, or if you accidentally selected Windows hosting when you purchased a hosting plan, remember that you can always change it to a Linux hosting account: in My Hosting Account click on the domain name, in the right menu Hosting Account Details you can select the option Switch Operating System.
Setup the GoDaddy Hosting Account
When you setup the hosting account do not install Front Page Extensions (FPE) if you don’t need them. If you do need FPE you can install them, they don’t seem to cause any problems with a Joomla! installation on GoDaddy.
FTP Joomla! files to your Hosting Account
Unzip or unrar the Joomla! package to a directory on your local computer and subsequently FTP the unpacked files to any directory or to the root of your hosting account. The advantage of installing Joomla! in the root is that you run Joomla! directly from your domain so you don’t have to redirect visitors of your site to a sub directory.
Setup a GoDaddy SQL Database
Go to the GoDaddy Hosting Manager of your domain and in the control panel select the MySQL icon to setup a SQL database:
On the next page select Create New Database to start the setup of a new SQL database.
In the field Enter User Name choose a user name for your database. The table name of the database is equal to your user name. Since it a shared database you might experience difficulty in finding a unique table (or user name) containing the word Joomla. A good convention is JDB_DomainName. Just remember the User Name cannot exceed 16 characters and to choose a strong password and to remember it!
Click [Continue] and verify your User Name on the next page and click [Create Database] to continue.
If the username is unique and there are no other issues, your database is created and the following page will be displayed:
{mosgoogle left}
During the Joomla! Installation you need some information regarding your database. Click on the User Name and the following page will be displayed:
Write down the Host Name because you need it later. Your host name might be different

Installation Joomla! Pre-installation Check
Now it’s time to start the actual installation. Browse to your domain and if you FTP-ed the Joomla! files to a subdirectory make sure to append it to the URL.
The pre-installation check should start automatically and return the following results
The only setting not having the recommended value is Register Globals.
Click [Next >] and read the license. Click [Next >] again to start step 1 of the installation.Installation Joomla! Step 1
On the configuration page of the MySQL database fill in the form using the information collected in the previous steps. You can leave the MySQL Table Prefix as is. Use the password created during the GoDaddy database.
Joomla! installation will populate the database tables. If this step is successful your will be redirected to the second installation step.
Installation Joomla! Step 2
Note the word “SUCCESS!”, indicating a successful connection and population of your database.
Now just enter the name you wish to use for your site and click [Next >] to continue.
Installation Joomla! Step 3
In step 3 just verify the information presented and fill in the Joomla! administrator e-mail address and admin password for the Joomla! administration pages.
Installation Joomla! Step 4
With step 4 you successfully installed Joomla! on a GoDaddy server! Just do not forget to delete the installation directory for security reasons and to start using Joomla!
Install Joomla on Godaddy Server Joomla Xtreme - Joomla Templates - Joomla Forum

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